Lets Share our Favorite Places to Run!

Hey Kids,

I love finding new places to run so leave some comments and let me know your favorite places to run, walk, bike and why. I would love to put a “Great Places to Run/bike/walk” link on my blog.

My district called a snow day today so I was able to move snow yesterday and set up my week 4 long run for today! Today’s long run will be a 9 mile and will complete week 4. I plan on running the Saddle-River Trail. It is about 6 miles long and paved though they have dirt trails off of it along the way. This is one of my favorite places to run for a myriad of reasons but mostly because it is relatively flat and you do not have to worry about cars. Bonuses are water fountains every couple of miles (in warmer weather) it is all paved, the scenery is every changing and gorgeous as you follow the Saddle River, lots of birds, dogs and kids to keep your spirits up and occasionally you run into someone you know! Pics and link below.

I have never run there after a snow storm but people swear that it is plowed quickly. Given the temp I plan on heading down around 1 pm to try and grab the warmest part of the day. We are looking at 35′ and no wind so I should be fine.

Don’t forget to PLEASE spread the word about our personal campaign for the AFSP Running with Eddie and Freddy and big thanks to Brian and Kelly McDonnell for their donation!

Word of the day- impish |ˈimpiSH|adjective

inclined to do slightly naughty things for fun; mischievous: he had an impish look about him.

Unicorn of the day!


Saddle River Trail

91028 74567 53276 3330


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