I Saved Week 6


Thanks so much to two of my oldest and dearest friends Stacia Klui Grosse and Jeff Grosse for their generous donation to our personal campaign for the AFSP! Spread the word we are doing great at 26% of our goal!

Ok week 6 was supposed to be 3/5/3 and 7 miles. Did not run at all until Friday where I did a 5 mile. I’ve been dealing with some abdominal issues which I’m just starting to get to the bottom of thanks to another old friend  Dr. Stavros Christoudias. Great Guy and awesome doctor! More on him in future posts but definitely helped me out Big Time yesterday and today so I am very grateful!

Just finished my long run of 7 miles so I only missed my two very short runs which is no big deal. I felt ok today on the run and the weather was GREAT! I have been neglecting my stretching routine and I am paying the price for it now. In general though I don’t feel very well and was rather tired today. I do not mention these things to complain, actually quite the opposite, I was thinking today that I am grateful to this habit for reinforcing my self-discipline. I run even when I do not want to, in all kinds of weather and I always finish what I set out to do.I am very proud of that. I find that it reinforces confidence and opens up the mind to believing in achieving the impossible. My favorite mantra while running is “Why not me?”

Today’s random thought while running:Do swans fly? I’ mean I know they can but I have just never seen them fly. Are they just lazy? Can a bird be lazy?”


Word of the Day: Evocative adjective

bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind: powerfully evocative lyrics | the building’s cramped interiors are highly evocative of past centuries.

DERIVATIVES evocatively adverb, evocativeness noun

Unicorn of the day:




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